
These are a mixture of blogs (and vlogs) written by myself and guest writers with specialist knowledge in different areas of fundraising. These are designed to help you with your fundraising. Get in touch to suggest or request a topic.


How to encourage your church to give

September 28, 20193 min read

How to encourage your church to give

Andy Constable – Niddrie Community Church Pastor


According to research completed by Brierley Consultancy[1] and used by Evangelical Alliance[2], church membership in 2017 totalled just over five million. That’s five million people passing the plate/bag along the aisles or their bank accounts transferring money as part of their church giving. That’s five million people being encouraged, as part of their church membership, to give remembering that it is more blessed to give than receive (Acts 20:35) with generosity and without a grudging heart (Deuteronomy 15:10).

Churches face huge financial bills. Keeping a church building open or hiring a venue along with paying staff salaries and associated costs can rack up big ongoing costs. Then add project costs on top, treasurers are kept busy keeping on top of all the financial commitments. But with five million people attending churches, these bills should be easily met, surely? Unfortunately, not. So, how can we encourage church members to give?

I’ve asked Andy, a Church pastor of a church in Scotland in an area which is ranked the most deprived in terms of income for the whole of Scotland, how he encourages church giving.

1. Why is it important that church members give to the work of the church?

It’s important that church members give towards the work of the church because it is commanded in scripture. In the Old Testament, the people were called to tithe the first 10% of all that they received and give it the Lord. In the New Testament, we are not called to give a certain amount but to be generous givers in response to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Giving should flow out of the amazing grace we have been shown in the gospel. 

2. As a church leader, what do you do to encourage your congregation to give?

When someone comes into membership, we encourage them that as part of their commitment and responsibility, they give towards the work of the church. Also, at members meetings, we will share if there are any particular needs and ask the members to respond. In our one-to-one’s we will also ask people about their financial integrity and whether they are using their money to glorify the Lord. We don’t really talk about it from the front though or make much of the offering during the service. We pray that as people hear about Jesus week by week that they would want to give out of an overflow of their hearts. 

3. Working in an area of low or unpredictable income, what works best for your members in how they give?

Despite the financial instability of a lot of people from our area, most of our members give by direct debit.

4. Do you use other sources of income to supplement church giving and how do you get them?

Yes, we raise funds by partnering with churches across the world. We talk about our vision, our work and spend a lot of time meeting up with church leaders and organisations to build partnership and talk about the need in our poorest communities in the UK. We also apply to various trusts and grant boards for the work we do.  

5. How do you thank those who give?

We thank them through a variety of time, presents, and cards. 

Andy is a Pastor at Niddrie Community Church, Edinburgh. Andy graduated from Edinburgh University with an MA in Divinity and joined the team in Niddrie in 2010. Together with his wife and children, they live in the community of Niddrie. If you would like to know more about the Church in Niddrie, check out




Andy Constable

Andy is a Pastor at Niddrie Community Church, Edinburgh. Andy graduated from Edinburgh University with an MA in Divinity and joined the team in Niddrie in 2010. Together with his wife and children, they live in the community of Niddrie. If you would like to know more about the Church in Niddrie, check out

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